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* This is NOT a “managed” notary service. TitleClose provides the software for a notary to advertise their business and capabilities.
What is TitleClose?We are happy you asked! TitleClose is a web based, consumer friendly, open, informative and transparent platform for everyone – consumers, Realtors, Lenders, Title/Settlement/Attorney Providers – to shop for products and services needed during the real estate buying, selling or refinancing process, particularly as it applies to closing.
What is a real estate closing?The time between when you sign a contact to sell or buy a home and the time when you actually transfer title to a new owner is generally knowing as “closing” or “in escrow”. Once the contract is signed, a title/settlement/attorney provider searches the public records to assure clear title can be conveyed to the new buyer, documents are signed, and monies are disbursed by the title/settlement/attorney provider. Here is a quick video that explains the process. For a refinance transaction, the same process is followed, but the transaction is between the lender and the borrower. Then a title/settlement/attorney provider searches the public records to assure clear claim to their proposed new mortgage loan, documents are signed and monies are disbursed by the title/settlement/attorney providers. Depending on either the custom and practice in your area or state law, the “closing” may be performed by either a title company, an escrow company, or an attorney. In some states, one or more of these parties plays a role I coordination with each other.
Who Uses TitleClose?Lenders – access title agents and notaries across the country with fees and services, on line or via integration with your loan operating system. Get the LE and CD on line or via email, in TRID calculated format. Realtors – quickly find financial facts, using real fees in real time, to notify a seller of their estimated net proceeds at closing, and for buyers, their estimated monthly payment and cash needed to close. Title and Settlement Providers – access software tools to imbed your fees in your own websites and access notaries nationwide Sellers of Real Estate – find your financial facts of your net proceeds when selling your home, + access other products you might need(movers, painters, handy people) Buyers of Real Estate – find your financial facts of your estimated monthly payments along with the cash you will need to close + a quote for hazard insurance, movers, home inspectors and more. Refinancing Your Loan For Cash Out – find your financial facts of your new estimated monthly payment along with the estimated amount of cash out you will receive.
How are these products, services, and financial facts provided?TitleClose is a marketplace of actual service providers nationwide. Service providers register their company information, including pricing, languages served, special areas of focus, and that information is presented to a user(see above) for their specific needs.
Are orders placed directly through TitleClose?An order for title, closing, or notary services can be placed directly through TitleClose OR it can also be placed directly by the user with the service provider directly. Our goal is to provide the user with the information about the service provider in a transparent manner, so we list the service provider contact information on our site. Our concept is to be the go to marketplace for the industry service needs.
I need help – who can I contact?No problem! We are here to help. Not a fan of the phone? Check out our chat feature located on the bottom left hand side of TitleClose. Or email us at or call us at 855-265-3765 Our help hours are 8am-8pm Eastern Time Monday-Friday and by appointment on Saturdays and Sundays. If a representative is not immediately available, we will contact you as soon as possible, during business hours.
As a lender, how much will I be charged?Lenders can select from a subscription model or a click charge model. Contact for further details. Learn More
As a Title Agent, how much will I be charged?Membership is based on the products and services you select. Choose a plan: Join the Title and Closing Agent Marketplace to gain instant access to our nationwide network of reputable real estate industry professionals Customizable, branded fee calculators that plug directly into your existing website Customized mobile app for your agents and clients Learn More
As a notary, how much will I be charged?An annual membership fee of $49 (per office/state). No charge for order placement or search results. Learn More
How will I be notified as a title agent or notary if an order is placed?If the order is placed through the TitleClose system, you will receive an email with the specifics of the transaction immediately. It is then your responsibility to reach out to the parties to the transaction to complete the order. If the order is placed directly with you – remember all your contact information is available to the user, so they might prefer to work directly with you – it could be received via your own email or phone number – so pay attention to those numbers you don’t recognize, it could be an order!
How will I be paid as a title agent or notary if an order is placed?You will be paid directly by the party ordering the services – if you are a notary and the title agent placed the order they will pay you – if a consumer contacts you, you will collect payment directly from the consumer. If you are a title agent and a lender contacts you, you will collect your fees as is typical for your company in that type of transaction. TitleClose does not pay either the title agent or the notary for your services.

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